Accuracy: The others only use a single sensor, at the
front of your engine - so they don't even know when they're
transferring the vibration to the back of the engine!
We ALWAYS sense at both ends of the engine to get the most
accurate results.
Latest Equipment: Used by Rolls Royce, Allison, Honeywell and others.
Best reporting: We always include a full printed spectrum
analysis, with every peak properly identified.
Fault Diagnosis: We help find and diagnose other causes of vibration
Convenience: We often travel to you or to an airport nearby at no additional charge.
Best pricing: $259 (single
engine), or $199 for experimentals.
The others charge you more, do a 1-accelerometer 'balance' job, so they can't even
the results. YET they charge the same or more. Never pay more than $100 for a single-plane balancing!!!
** Prop imbalance is only one cause of
vibration but we often find and correct others, such as bad mounts, frame
contact etc. Nobody else even comes close to our class of dynamic balancing.
Read about our vibration technician
- a seriously qualified guy with a great reputation