The Vibration Spectrum Analysis report and what it means:
The reading of vertical movement (vibration) is in ips (inches
per second.
Norcal Aero Services
=================== 'Dave Smith' - Propeller Balance ===================
Customer: Dave Smith
Started: 02/24/2006 13:43.46 Finished: Yes
A/C Reg: 126V A/C Total TM: 5240.3
Eng S/N: TSO: 0.0
Eng Pos: 17733 TSN: 0.0
*** Single-engine balance job ***
Prop Balance for 5 Runs ( Engine 1 )
Run|Speed| Vib ( p ) | Influence | Solution |Installation|
| | rpm | mag deg | g/vib deg | gram deg | gram deg |
| 1 |2419 | 0.37 165 | 38.5 330 | 9.8 30
| 10.2 40 |Front
| |
| 0.50 290 |
| 2 |2414 | 0.27 143 | 45.9 309 | 25.2 275 | 25.4 270 |front
| |
| 0.49 287 |
| 3 |2422 | 0.12 195 | 62.5 300 | 38.6 268 | 38.4 275 |front
| |
| 0.27 282 |
| 4 |2413 | 0.08 292 | 66.1 303 | 44.3 270 | 44.3 275 |front
| |
| 0.20 271 |
| 5 |2424 | 0.04 305 | 65.8 303 |
| |
| 0.18 256 |
Final weight to install:
Engine 1: 44.3 Grams at 275 Degrees
The initial vibration is in red, the final vibration is
in green and is in IPS (inches per second).
These results represent a significant improvement. This is not unsual !!
Here is a basic guide to these values:
— 1.25 Inches Per Second (IPS) Peak Amplitude. The propeller should be
and a static balance performed.
ROUGH — 1.00 Inches Per Second (IPS) Peak Amplitude.
Propeller can be dynamically balanced;
however a large amount of weight will be required.
A propeller static
balance is recommended at a propeller shop. Operation at this vibration level could cause damage.
--- 0.50 Inches Per Second (IPS) Peak Amplitude. Propeller definitely requires
Long term operation at this vibration level could cause excessive
ROUGH --- 0.25 Inches Per Second (IPS) Peak Amplitude. Dynamic
balance will
passenger comfort.
FAIR--- 0.20 Inches or less Per Second
(IPS) Peak Amplitude.
This is the maximum
vibration level
we aim for during dynamic balancing, although we can usually reduce the level to
far less.
--- 0.07 Inches Per Second (IPS) Peak Amplitude.
Vibration levels below
will not be detectable by pilots or passengers but can still be improved upon in
most cases. |
--- 0.04 Inches Per Second (IPS) Peak Amplitude.
This is the level we always aim for. |
engine and propeller combination, when healthy, will produce a normal spectrum
display that is characteristic of that combination. The trick is to determine
when this spectral display is not normal. When the spectral data is gathered,
you have a digital display of these vibration readings, sometimes called a
"signature," which then has to be interpreted. Each one of the spikes
or peaks shown in the graph are representative of a rotating component or a
multiple thereof. These multiples of the fundamental RPM are referred to as
"harmonics" or "orders."
is a typical spectrum survey, showing the various vibration levels and their
of the major causes of the various peaks are identified below.

As well as vibration occurring at the actual engine rpm
(2000 in this
case), often other information can be extracted from this graph, including
misfiring, faulty engine mounts, internal imbalance, misalignment, out-of-time balance weights, component looseness, particularly if this report is
compared with those taken from a healthy version of the engine or from the same engine at an earlier time.
As prop balancers we eliminate first-order vibration - the only
vibration that can be removed externally to the engine.
However, our survey is extremely accurate
at pinpointing the other areas of concern. Your mechanic will find this
information very useful in helping to pinpoint the causes of misfire, worn
mounts etc and it will save having to guess or use trial and error to
troubleshoot an engine problem. |
